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Experienced educators understand the very complex nature of students learning. Teachers and trainers
develop classroom practices and negotiate curriculum in an effort to
enhance student learning, though it is virtually impossible to control what student learns. Even when teachers and trainers structure lessons and curriculum to promote learning for all students, each student still constructs his/her own unique meaning to the lesson.
Teachers and Trainer have some control over what they plan to teach but have far less control over what students learn.
Constructivist learning theory suggests that learners are active
participants who pursue areas of knowledge based on their interest and a
need to know. Given the nature of the learner, the trainer is viewed as
facilitator, who structures the learning environment so that student
can actively construct knowledge.
es Salaam Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication is one of the
four Institutions of TUPOSE POLYTECHNICS LIMITED; others are Tanzania
Institute of Laws and Administration, Institute of Diplomacy – Morogoro
and Iringa Institute of Medical Science; all Considers five central tenets of
constructivism that are useful in understanding productive
teacher/trainer behavior in the classroom, and it is obviously that this
influence all learning arena, in and out of the classroom. These are:-
· Constructivist teachers seek to understand their students.
· Constructivist teachers/trainer plan lessons to challenge student’s understanding the students.
· Constructivist teachers/trainer understands that the curriculum must be relevant to the students.
· Constructivist teachers/trainer plan instruction holistically and relate details to the large pictures.
· Constructivist teachers/trainer assess student learning in the context of daily classroom experiences.
the Globalization interaction the needs for intense preparation is
inevitable, otherwise the society that remain to drug feet, will be left
out and eventually perish, in term of norm, cultural artifacts and
attitude, morally and even physical appearance.
Our training in Journalism and Mass Communication intends to enlighten the
novices especially youth to work up and start to address themselves to
the magnitude of the problem, they have to understand that even in rural
areas where tradition healers was long protected is now beginning to weather away.
They must now and not later start to engage in rural reporting
in order to protect and preserve the remaining little identity of
cultural heritage or face the consequences, because the environment is
no longer conducive and positively propagated any more.
unemployed semi skilled rural society, must also be approached in order
to bring needed attention to them of modern information Technology, so
that, they understand what is going on in the outside world, hence be
able to learn and understand negative side of copying and pasting these
foreign cultural elements in their society knowingly or unknowingly.
Please remember this important saying:
‘We are here to bring the church in the village’ will you join us?
Chapisha Maoni